Torrent is one of the most popular tool for downloading movies and other videos. But the problem with the torrent is that many of the links provided are fake, which is quite difficult to identify. Some of the torrents come with sample video quality where you can check video quality, and download it, if it satisfies you. 
But what about rest?? I mean those torrents that don not come with any sample! How will you identify between fake and genuine torrent. For that I'm going to give you a small trick that works well in Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

TS(Torrent Stream) magic plays torrents online in the original quality without downloading.It works same as torrent,based on number of peers connected to us.If the peers are more and internet connection is good streaming will be fast.Or we can stream it for some time to check quality of the video,if the quality is good we can download that film or video using utorrent.

Downloading TS magic player:
  • Download and install TS magic player from
  • Now install browser plug in
    • Open torrent URL
    • Now you will see an option to play online
    • If not then right click on "Download torrent link" and select "View Torrent Online"


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