Trick To Generate Jio Barcode From All 2G/3G/4G Devices (Get free Jio Sim)

Trick To Generate Jio Barcode From All 2G/3G/4G Devices (Get free Jio Sim)

Trick To Generate Jio Barcode

Trick To Generate Jio Barcode From All 2G / 3G / 4G Devices

Jio Free 4G Internet is One Of The Hottest Topic In india , As We have seen images with Long Long ueues and Waiting Against Jio Digital Stores and Reliance xpress Mini stores.
After Mukesh Ambani The Head Of Reliance Jio Officially Launched Jio 4G This Month, The Expected Rush has Started In Jio Stores
 Now All The 4G Devices are Eligible For Free Jio sim. Before That Only Handfull Of Devices Including Samsung Htc Micromax Devices Were Up For Jio Preview Offer.

What is Jio Barcode ? 

Jio Has One Rule And That is – One Device One Jio 4G Sim , Though It has Been Tweaked Later by many jio tricks.
So Reliance Has Started Giving Barcode Like Code Once You Install Myjio App On Your Device Which Is Mirror Of Your IMEI Number , In Any Of The Phone You can generate The Jio Barcode Only Once and It has Typical Limit Of Time Frame in Which You have to Buy The Jio sim After Showing Your Barcode.
So Basically Jio Barcode is Essential Thing To get Free JIO 4G SIM. I have seen many of Our Readers Are getting trouble in generating Jio Barcode From Their Android Devices. So Lets Gets Started To Generate The Jio Barcode.

How To Generate Jio Barcode From All 2G 3G 4G Devices

Trick 1- generate Jio Barcode from 4G Devices

  1. If You have Already 4G Phone Then You will Not get Many Hassals like 3G Phone users All You Need Is
2. Just Download The Myjio App from Playstore
3. Open The App And You will See List Of 10 Apps in Front Page
4. Click on ” Open ” Button Situated beside The First Myjio
5. You will See ” Get Jio Sim ” Option In That Click On It and Follow Screens
6. Done You will See Your Barcode At The end Of The Process

Trick 2- How generate Jio Barcode from 2G 3G Devices

1.) First of All You need To Download Old MYJIO Apk From Here.
** Latest MYJIO App will Not Work As Reliance Have Corrected Some Bugs
2.) Now Open The MyJIO app and Download All The JIO Apps Something Like 10 Apps
3.) Now After Downloading All The JIO APPS Now Clear The Data Of MYJIO APP
4.) Swith Off The Internet DATA
5.) Open Myjio app >> Click Open Button Beside MYJIO ( Your Internet Should Be Off)
6.) You can See ” GET JIO SIM ” Option in Next Page
7.) Open The Internet Data and Instantly Click On ” GET JIO SIM ” >> Complete Whole Process In Next
8.) Cool !! You have Got the Barcode !!
9.) Go to JIO Store, Show The Barcode and Get The  Free JIO SIM
By Above Given trick You can generate The Barcode and even You Can Get free Jio sim From Your 3G Phone.
Now Assume That We have Got The free Jio Sim From Our 3G Device and We have to Run Jio SIM in our 3G phone, Is There any way? yes.

Trick 3- How generate Jio Barcode from 2G 3G Devices

Hey guys.. If u are having problem in generating your mobile’s bar code from my jio app… Then follow my steps…
  1. First open jio’s official website. And then check whether your handset is in the compatible phone’s list. If yes, then go for the next step.
2. Now Just Download the latest version of my jio app from playstore.
3. Now u have to find a friend, who is using a jio Sim.
Ask him to share his jio 4G net with u through hotspot.
4. After u are connected to the WiFi. Open Settings › Apps › MyJio.
5. Click on “Clear Data”. Restart your mobile with your mobile connected to jio4g WiFi.
6. Now After Your phones switches on. Make sure your mobile is still connected to the WiFi.
7.Open MyJio app quickly. The banner at the top asking You to install all jio apps will change to a new banner having an option to ” Get jio Sim” or “get a Sim”.
8. Click on it .. Fill up your name and phone no. U will receive one OTP. Type that in the OTP column.
And u are done a page containing the bar code will appear. Take a screenshot of it. And take it to the nearest store with all the required documents and grab your Sim.

MyJio Jio Barcode Is Showing Already Redeemed What to Do?

Jio Barcode Is Showing Already Redeemed Is Common Problem Now a days, As I have seen Many Of Our Readers Getting This Problem While Generating Jio Barcode From Above Given 1 , 2, 3 Methods
This Is Why Jio Barcode Is Showing Already Redeemed :
This Problem Persist Because Some One From Your Friends Circle or Any One Used YourIMEI Number To JIO BARCODE , And Jio Barcode Is Linked With IMEI so When You Generate Barcode Its Start Showing error Like ” Barcode Is Already Reedemed ”
Now How to Generate The Another Barcode From Same Device ?
If You Are Getting Same Error And Your BArcode Is USed By Some one Then You can Do Following Things to get free jio sim
  1. Generate The Jio Barcode From Any Other 3G Mobile With Above Trick >> Get Jio SIm and Use In Your Mobile
2. Change Your IMEI and Device ID and You Can Get Another Barcode From Your Phone

Final Words:- This Guide Is Only For Newbie Users And 3G phones users. 4G users can Simple Get Barcode as Shown Above, This is Full Working Guide to generate Jio Barcode From any 2G 3G Device..
Still If any Problem Persists, You can Freely Comment Down Below,


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