how to install counter strike on android

Install Counter On Android

Hey, Fellas! You might have heard about the famous game named as counter strike. It is nowadays trending a lot on the internet. In today’s guide, I am going to tell you about how can you play counter strike game on Android. Today while checking the tutorials to play counter strike for Android. I was a bit confused about how can we install counter strike on Android device. I tried YouTube too but I found many tutorials but they were a bit confusing and in other languages. When I tried doing some research then I finally found a working guide on Android Authority. In today’s article, you really don’t need a PC or laptop just because, I have already compress those folders in the zip files so that you can download those files and play the game. You might be thinking what actually counter strike game means and what is the game about.

What is Counter Strike?

Counter strike is the game about killing all the terrorists and you can be the commando. You can kill anybody in this game. Firstly this game was available on windows and later it was ported to many platforms such as Xbox, OS X, Linux and in many another operating system. Alibek Omarov this smart developer who ported this game to Android. This game is not available on play store. If you have to download this game you can download from the download link which is been given below. This game is not from steam so if in future there is an error in this game so the game developers are not going to solve those error just because it was only one guy who ported this game and that was Alibek Omarov.

Install and Play Counter Strike On Android device.

Installing this game is really easy if you follow up the step by step guide of this tutorial and you really don’t need the computer too. No stream account nothing. You just need an Android device with a working internet connection. There is two application available in this tutorial in which you can also create your own server too and play with your friends. You don’t need any root access too if you want to install this game on your Android device
There are many fake applications available on Play store. The data of the game is about 670 MB if you have the game installed on your computer or laptop then you don’t need to download these files you can easily copy the two folders from your computer and you are good to go. I will be mentioning both the tutorials from which you will be able to use on your Android device.
This game is completely ported to Android. In the PC version of the games, there were keyboard and mouse been used in this ported game, It is completely different and you really don’t need to panic about the game, that if you want to play this game you need a mouse and keyboard. But the developer has rewritten all these codes on Android which will allow you to use this all the buttons on Android. If you have to crouch then there is a button given on the screen. If you have to fire a bullet change the gun and all those functionalities are available on this game and all the buttons are given. If you are going to play Xash3D then there is a button given which will be saving all the data and files of your device. You can also create the shortcut of your game so from wherever you have stopped playing this game, it will start from that checkpoint from where you have saved the games. This is the full game which you used to play on your computer no difference. Most of the times users play these games on cyber cafés. Now you can enjoy this game on Android while sitting on the same WiFi connection.
If you will look at the controls of the games. Then you will be thinking it pretty messed up. But the developer Alibek Omarov has put in the source code. Then you can completely change the game buttons and sizes of the button and you can do this if you are an android application developer then you can do those settings easily.
As counter strikes, lovers are a lot of peoples around the world and they might be knowing that playing counter strike with headphone is the best experience. I have tried this game and if you will play this game with headphone. For best results I will suggest you to insert your headphone and play this game. I have shared drive link so that you can easily download these files and in super fast speed and you don’t need to wait while playing this game.
If you will check out while downloading CS 1.6 client you will see multi-core chipset and single-core chipset. Nowadays most of the Android device are having multi-core Chipset. If the multi-core Chipset application doesn’t work on your device so please try to install single core Chipset application. I have also mentioned the video tutorial of download and instaling this application which will make you understand more easily and everyone can play this game on your Android device. Most of the times video explain better.


How To Install Counter Strike on Android

Step 1: Download all the above files on your Android device and put them into Internal storage or your memory card.
Step 2: Open ES File explorer and click on menu button
Step 3: Now, click on new from the list given
Step 4: Click on the Folder and create a folder named as “Xash” like given in below screenshot

Step 5: After that move  all those files in the folder
Step 6: There will be a file named as open the zip file and you will see two folders in it

Step 7: The folder named as cstrike and Valve. Hold both the files and extract those files by clicking on extract button given below
Step 8: You will check out which directory you have to choose now simply click on Current Path.
Step 9: Extraction is in process and now until the time the application are getting extracted you need
 to install the apk files which we have downloaded
Step 10: Install CS 1.6 client and Xash 3D in your device

Step 11: After extraction is completed you will see two new folders named as cstrike and valve you can delete the .zip files which we have downloaded
Step 12: Now, Open the CS 1.6 client application which you have installed and click on Launch CS16 client
Step 13: Now, you have successfully installed and played the game if you have to play Xash3D client you can open that app and play that game too on your device
This folder which you have downloaded is having both the files. So you don’t need any other file or folder to run xash3D game. This was the tutorial about how can you download the game on your device. If you don’t have a PC or laptop. Let’s check out the other step what if you are having a computer and the game is already been installed on your computer check out the below steps.

How To Install Counter Strike If You Have Already Install The Game In Your Desktop/Laptop

Step 1: Go to your directory in which the game is already been installed
Step 2: Most of the times counter strike is installed in your C: Drive
Step 3: Open your C: Drive and there you will see a folder named as games open the folder
Step 4: In games you will see the game folder named as Counter Strike open the folder.

Step 5: Open the folder there you will see 2 folders named as cstrike and valve copy both the folders
Step 6: Open your phone internal storage and create a folder named as Xash and paste the files
Step 7: Install both the application named as CS 1.6 and Xash 3D

Step 8: Now Launch CS-Client 1.6 in your device and don’t do any changes and open the game

Step 9: You have successfully installed the counter strike in your android device.

Video Tutorial:



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