what is wayback machine??how to use it..

what is wayback machine??how to use it. The way back machine is a archive website that stores digital files and website screenshots.Basically it helps you see how a particular website looked in past .Launched on October 2001 it enables you to check website history from 1996. As of 2009, the Wayback device contained approximately 3 petabytes (1000 TB) of statistics and was growing at a rate of 100 terabytes every month. This is the reason We are coming up with an article in which I am going to tell you about What is WayBack Machine? How to use it? Benefits of Wayback machine: You can check how a website looked in past You can save your own website in their archive to check at later stage Files are stored on their super storage system so even if original website goes down,The cached copy is still available to read How to use Wayback machine: 1.To check a website history To start using way back machine first of all head over to archive.org ...